Sprout Therapy Services
Colorado Springs, CO



Language Disorders,
Articulation Disorders,
Social Skills,
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders,
and more

Sprout Therapy Services serves Colorado Springs, CO with speech, language, articulation, fluency and social skills help. We also serve both kids and adults with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. Sprout was founded by Rikki DeGrove, MA CCC-SLP...Learn more .

Some of the other speech and language conditions we help with include: receptive expressive language delays, developmental delays, language learning disabilities, and communication.


a Speech Therapist

When Fitting in is Hard to Figure Out

When Fitting in is Hard to Figure Out

Katherine watches her son, Jack, standing against the wall, watching other children talking and playing in a group. Jack pulls out his Pokemon cards and counts or names them out loud, but no one inside the group notices him. Other children walk up to the group and join in with no problems, laughing and talking, whi ...read more

Are You Able to Diagnose a Tongue or Lip Tie

Are You Able to Diagnose a Tongue or Lip Tie

I am able to evaluate using a protocol to look at function and appearance. If I feel the tissue is restricted, then I would refer you to a preferred professional who is able to revise the tongue/lip tie (Dentist/other professional with specific training and equipment). They would give you their opinion on whether th ...read more

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